Installation ============ Swift Package Manager --------------------- If you're using the Swift Package Manager, you can add ``Stencil`` to your dependencies inside ``Package.swift``. .. code-block:: swift import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "MyApplication", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 13), ] ) CocoaPods --------- If you're using CocoaPods, you can add Stencil to your ``Podfile`` and then run ``pod install``. .. code-block:: ruby pod 'Stencil', '~> 0.13.0' Carthage -------- .. note:: Use at your own risk. We don't offer support for Carthage and instead recommend you use Swift Package Manager. 1) Add ``Stencil`` to your ``Cartfile``: .. code-block:: text github "stencilproject/Stencil" ~> 0.13.0 2) Checkout your dependencies, generate the Stencil Xcode project, and then use Carthage to build Stencil: .. code-block:: shell $ carthage update $ (cd Carthage/Checkouts/Stencil && swift package generate-xcodeproj) $ carthage build 3) Follow the Carthage steps to add the built frameworks to your project. To learn more about this approach see `Using Swift Package Manager with Carthage `_.