Getting Started =============== The easiest way to render a template using Stencil is to create a template and call render on it providing a context. .. code-block:: swift let template = Template(templateString: "Hello {{ name }}") try template.render(["name": "kyle"]) For more advanced uses, you would normally create an ``Environment`` and call the ``renderTemplate`` convinience method. .. code-block:: swift let environment = Environment() let context = ["name": "kyle"] try environment.renderTemplate(string: "Hello {{ name }}", context: context) Template Loaders ---------------- A template loader allows you to load files from disk or elsewhere. Using a ``FileSystemLoader`` we can easily render a template from disk. For example, to render a template called ``index.html`` inside the ``templates/`` directory we can use the following: .. code-block:: swift let fsLoader = FileSystemLoader(paths: ["templates/"]) let environment = Environment(loader: fsLoader) let context = ["name": "kyle"] try environment.renderTemplate(name: "index.html", context: context)