The Stencil template language ============================= Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift. It provides a syntax similar to Django and Mustache. If you're familiar with these, you will feel right at home with Stencil. .. code-block:: html+django There are {{ articles.count }} articles. .. code-block:: swift struct Article { let title: String let author: String } let context = Context(dictionary: [ "articles": [ Article(title: "Migrating from OCUnit to XCTest", author: "Kyle Fuller"), Article(title: "Memory Management with ARC", author: "Kyle Fuller"), ] ]) do { let template = try Template(named: "template.html") let rendered = try template.render(context) print(rendered) } catch { print("Failed to render template \(error)") } Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 templates builtins api/context custom-template-tags-and-filters